The best Destiny 2 LFG for players looking for a group.
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- PC
- Mic required
- 0 Players / 3
- 03:15 AM PST - FRI 02/28
- Xbox
- Everyday Player In Combat
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
Last week, Pie missed out. This week, will there be a clear?
grimjack9017 grimjack9017#9265 2031
Piemeister1 piemeister1 #3444 2027
Our Man F1int 2032
- 12:00 PM PST - FRI 02/28
- Xbox
- Mic required
- 2 Players / 3
- 04:00 PM PST - FRI 02/28
- Xbox
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
farming run, kwtd and be chill.
AfricaDog 2031
Ianswer2NO1 2022
SAMURAI7296 2013
- 04:00 PM PST - FRI 02/28
- Xbox
- Everyday Player In Combat
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
If quick enough, 3x for pinnacles
MasterYodaJEDI4 2029
Drummer Craig Drummer Craig#1661 2019
MGarciaXB 2028
- 04:30 PM PST - FRI 02/28
- Red Rover
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
Dungeon run. Continue the quest and try and knock out some triumphs
Gamermark28 2020
GrndThftAutobot GrndThftAutobot#4479 2024
bigbruh2002 2030
- 05:30 PM PST - FRI 02/28
- Xbox
- Brotherhood of Dusk
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
- 06:00 PM PST - FRI 02/28
- PC
- Destiny Raid Parade
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 6
- 2 reserves
Full run, grabbing an Atheon CP to kill x3 on the way since one of the group doesn’t have it yet. Spots reserved are for Jbaker and Gentlest.
MattyTheAce 2022
graberman 2033 reserve #1
bar99btm 2034 reserve #2
- 03:00 AM PST - SAT 03/01
- Xbox
- Everyday Player In Combat
- Mic required
- 1 Player / 3
Run until it hurts? Be chill have fun.
Buckhombre Buckhombre#5776 2020
- 03:15 AM PST - SAT 03/01
- Xbox
- Everyday Player In Combat
- Mic required
- 3 Players / 3
- 1 waitlist
Worms and secrets, oh my!
grimjack9017 grimjack9017#9265 2031
KtO48 KtO48#0672 2030
Pitifulbean 2031
Our Man F1int 2032 waitlist #1