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Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 27. Most of us are college students. Most of us are parents. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Our average age is 28. If that sounds like you, join us!

Our average age is 29. If that sounds like you, join us!

Requiem formally known as Dominus Tenebris is a clan that has been active since the launch week of Taken King. Currently recruiting...

Join our amazing Discord :D. We already have an Anthem community and we're looking to expand into Borderlands and other games. We...

Welcome to Λ E O N! We're a group of friends with an average age around 20. We play Destiny 2 primarily...

Our average age is 18. If that sounds like you, join us!

Our average age is 24. If that sounds like you, join us!

I just recently created a D2 clan (Clan of Vincere) and I wanna try and expand it. Already there is a few...

Most members live in the Pacific Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 35. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Berlin time zone. Our average age is 15. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Berlin time zone. Our average age is 25. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 25. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Edinburgh time zone. Our average age is 15. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Sydney time zone. Our average age is 25. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Perth time zone. Our average age is 25. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Pretoria time zone. Our average age is 15. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Central Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 25. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Central Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 25. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

Most members live in the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. Our average age is 35. Headsets/ Mics are strongly preferred. If that sounds like you, join us!

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