- Activity Score: 1069
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 63 Years Old
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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- 11:00 PM PST - THU 07/13
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 7 waitlist
- 7 reserves
IconicBj3y waitlist #1
Ele#4846 waitlist #2
MeJaNSoldier23 waitlist #3
Bob-leigh Bob-Leigh#4657 waitlist #4
Sainteditor waitlist #5
zipman_13 zipman_13#5834 waitlist #6
GRNDZERO EMP waitlist #7
Jace_Mac#5177 reserve #1
OptimusPrime reserve #2
WrpdHumr Wrpdhumr#0820 reserve #3
Xx_rabbi reserve #4
hanktt007 hanktt007#0396 reserve #5
Vreegval reserve #6
AdverseAction AdverseAction#6536 reserve #7
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warlock, pve, sporadic playing times, casual, xbox one, parent
profanity preferred, raids, warlock, hunter, titan, weekly challenges
"it is inevitable"
adult/child, no stress please-i stress at work not play, profanity ok, pve
raid rookie, profanity ok, pve, parent
noob of osiris, chill, super casual, no rage, pve, pvp
allegiances, wanderer, profanity ok, pvp, pve, parent
titan, warlock, hunter, beginners welcome, raider, pve
profanity ok, mainly pve, parent, just a titan - 1 man wrecking machine!
who wrote this stupid tag?, my hunter has joined the family...now time to raid, bla bla bla bla........ :-), have a mic