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Alpha 300 Clan was formed during the early days of The Taken King in D1 based off the group that came together here on

We have varying degrees of players and play-styles from Casual to Dedicated Weekly Raiders and Trials participants. We understand life comes first and want this group to be your escape as you shoot your way through the Destiny games. We welcome all who are interested to join up.

Our original chat for the Alpha 300 was in our Slack:

We also have a Discord we use too and would like to eventually migrate to it full time:

Communication is key! Please Join up on both Slack and Discord and say hi, we'd love to get to know you and get you integrated into our clan and activities. We try to fill our raids and have some reserves, we understand life can creep up sometimes but please try to make the games you sign up for. Any questions, reach out to cXeGG and Bohlareon!


raider, titan, microphone, striker, ps4, defender

Upcoming Games

This group has chosen to make all games private.

Most Active Members


profanity ok, hunter, warlock, titan, pvp, pve


profanity ok, raid rookie

microphone optional, pc, profanity ok, pve, hunter, competitive


raider, titan, microphone, striker, ps4, defender


pvp, pve, profanity ok, weird hours

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snacksupplier, sherpa, pvp, pve, canuck

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Group Chat

This group has chosen to make all chat private.