Welcome to Veterans of the Grind, a Destiny Clan for adult players aged 40(ish) and above, predominantly on the Xbox platform. Most of our players are active during evenings and weekends, primarily residing in the Eastern U.S. time zone. Members communicate in our Clan Discord Server and schedule games through the The100.io platform.
From casual novices to seasoned guardians, our diverse membership values respect and camaraderie. Join our community where bonds are forged, skills are honed, and challenges are conquered. Regardless of level or experience, all guardians are welcome. We take pride in nurturing those who seek to hone their skills and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those craving to conquer formidable challenges. Our open-door policy comes with a zero-tolerance stance on hostility or toxicity.
Upcoming Games
- 05:30 PM PST - SAT 01/25
- Veterans of the Grind!
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 1 waitlist
- 1 reserve
We will pick the raid based on team’s preference.
- AllAmericanVet Bungie ID- AllAmericanVet#2092
- CloakedPants76
- Aboy6#2135
- Mazard4t2 Mazard4t2#8476
- ToilsomePath287 ToilsomePath287#4960 waitlist #1
- CalamityRises CalamityRises#9922 reserve #1