Greetings Charlie Company 776.
This group has survived obstacles in the past and survived mainly because of the character and bond of our active members. This willingness to help others along with our candid personalities have made us pretty popular on the 100 site. Maybe you are new to our group or you are a founding member? In either case it’s good to remind ourselves why we are so great. Please take a moment to read the General Expectations

Mission Statement
Founded with the intent to provide members of the100.io Charlie Company 776 a way of obtaining Destiny group based Xbox achievements. We are adults that enjoy casual gaming with focused objectives. Members of this group are here to help others in a casual, fun and respectful environment. Help and unite fellow Guardians living under the burden of oppression and ignorance to open their eyes to the rights of mankind, overturn the power of darkness and declare the triumph of equality over inequality. Headsets/Mics are strongly preferred.General Clan Requirements
Are you an adult Xbox player looking to collaborate with other Destiny gamers? Have a willingness to learn and use the100.io to schedule/join games? A willingness to help others? Join our active Destiny Clan the Spirit of 76, a subset of CC776 most active members.Click Here to Join

MARCH 28, 2017 Destiny Update:
The One About Age of Triumph
FEBRUARY 14, 2017 Update Details:
The One About the Sandbox Tuning
JANUARY 17, 2017 Update Details:
The One After the Dawning
DECEMBER 13TH Update Details:
The One About the Dawning
NOVEMBER 8TH Destiny Hotfix:
The One About Engrams

Has joining the100 changed your Destiny experience for the better? If so, consider becoming a supporter.
Upcoming Games
- 07:00 PM PDT - FRI 03/28
- Xbox
- Charlie Company 776
- Mic required
- 6 Players / 6
- 1 waitlist
Raid Juice
Tinman4ever EekaArk#7977
The Porto 1
Parker Leon 06
De Deuce94 waitlist #1