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The Nine Situations


Hello and welcome to the official group page on The 100 for The Nine Situations! We are a tight knit clan that enjoys playing Destiny 2 and other co-op games. Take a look around to get to know us better and when you are ready, click that Request to Join button in the upper right hand corner of this page.

Interested in our clan?

We are first and foremost a clan but our membership is by invite-only. If you are interested in becoming a banner-waving member, you will first need to join our TNS group page on The 100, as well as our Discord server, and be active on both. After a successful 30 days of probation, if you mesh with the clan and are active, let an admin know you are ready for that clan upgrade. Click the “FAQ” tab for more information on how to join the clan. Clan Page

The Nine Situations

General Rules of The Road

  1. You must be a member of the Discord Server and the Nine Situations 100 page to be a clan member.
  2. Have a microphone. This is nonnegotiable. There needs to be communication within the fireteam.
  3. Be respectful to everyone you meet in the game whether they are a member or not.
  4. No Ghosting. If you are busy and someone reaches out to you, take a moment to let them know in some way that you were not able to have them join. Don’t leave the clan member hanging.
  5. Keep it chillier than chill. We are just playing a video game after all. Rage quitting leaves your teammates hanging and they must find someone to replace you.
  6. We are here to have fun, and while we are serious gamers, it is only a game. Attitudes and negativity are not wanted nor tolerated.
  7. Be willing to Sherpa new players. If you’re in a session with players who are unfamiliar with an activity, remember you were there once yourself.

Creating and Joining Sessions

  1. We ask that game session requirements be reasonable. We do not want players feeling excluded because they have not acquired a particular weapon. Anyone found creating sessions which are excessively exclusionary will be asked to edit the requirements. Repeat offenders will be automatically removed and banned from the clan.
  2. As friendships develop, you may develop semi-regular fireteam members. In those cases, feel free to set up a session which clearly communicates your game’s priority or automatically add your friends with the Supporter feature.
  3. When you sign up for sessions, make sure you are available for them. If you know you cannot make it, leave the session as soon as possible so another player can participate.
  4. If you sign up as a reserve, make sure you’re available at the scheduled time. Reserve players who are consistently (3 strike policy) unavailable for sessions will be automatically removed and banned from the clan and group.
  5. If players (confirmed and reserved) don’t show up for your session, please mark them as a no-show. Clan members with more than three no-shows will be automatically removed and banned from the clan and group.
  6. Don’t forget to give Karma to other Guardians, if you have enjoyed playing with them.
The Nine Situations is on Slack

The Nine Situations is on Discord

The Nine Situations exclusively uses Discord for all clan member chatter. Discord is the only cross-platform voice and text chat app designed specifically for gamers. We find it to be a great way to meet and interact with other members outside of the game as well as a helpful tool when scheduling gaming sessions.

Why Join?

We have dedicated channels for members to discuss all things Destiny, talk about weapons and gear, plan last minute events, ask for help, and have fun with one another. Having trouble with one of the raid mechanics? Ask one of the raid Sherpas. Stuck on a quest step? We&squo;ve got a channel for that. Plus there are desktop and mobile apps so you’re never disconnected from the conversation.

Do I Have To Join?

We provide Discord as a tool to help maximize your experience and it is a member requirement. You may join our TNS Discord Server. The same probationary rules will apply on our server as our overall rules: treat others with respect when on the server. You must be a member of the 100 page to be on the Discord server; we will be doing periodic purges.

TNS Streaming Channels

Members of The Nine Situations periodically share our exploits on YouTube and Twitch. We even have our own swanky little YouTube channel for you to enjoy.

TNS Member Channels

# Gamertag Twitch YouTube
1 smodell2 Link n/a
2 drakaraven n/a Link
3 latenight_queen n/a Link
4 rosemonatti n/a Link
5 jimjoebob99 Link n/a
6 venomonkiller n/a Link
7 Dixon77 n/a Link
8 InsaneScrewHead Link n/a
9 redcoat83 Link n/a
10 kingspades19713 Link n/a
11 teranika89 n/a Link

Subscribe to YouTube Channel

The Nine Situations Official T-shirt

TNS Swag

We have swag for sale on our Teespring store. Whether you’re looking to represent and wear our flag as a member or simply want to show support, we’ve got something for you. All profits will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital so you will also be improving your karma while looking stylish.

Browse Teespring Store

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule a game session on The 100?

You can create game sessions by clicking the New Gaming Session button in the upper right corner of this page. Once you have filled out the form, all members of The 100 group will be notified. For details and Rules of The Road information, click the “Rules” tab above.

How do I join the clan?

You can request to join The Nine Situations once you have joined our group on The 100 and Discord server. After we know we are a good fit for one another, you can ask any of our admins for a clan invitation.

Does The Nine Situations have an age requirement?

Yes we do. You must be at least 21 years of age to request to join. Ages 18-20 will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

I’m interested in joining The 100 group. Do I also need to join the clan?


I see you are using Discord. Is this a requirement to join?

Yes. We use Discord as an optimal way to chat with other clan mates and better schedule our game sessions. If you would like to learn more about how we are using Discord, please click the “Discord” tab above.

What time does the group usually play?

We usually play weeknights starting at 5:00PM Central and all day Saturday. We have some members who randomly play weekday mornings.

What does “The Nine Situations” mean?

The name of our clan is taken from Chapter 11 of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. If you’re unfamiliar with the book and would like to know more, check out this audiobook excerpt.



raid ninja, raider, student, pve, sherpa, pvp

Upcoming Games

No upcoming games currently.

Most Active Members


pvp, profanity ok


sherpa, gunslinger, pvp, hunter, microphone, striker


hunter, warlock, titan, mic, ps4, raider


baked bad and good, profanity ok, pve, pvp, college student, raid veterinarian


parent, profanity ok, pve, somewhat sarcastic, easy to shoot at, happy to help

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pvp, sherpa, profanity ok

Group Platforms
Games Played
Group Alliances

The Alpha Situation

Group Chat

This group has chosen to make all chat private.