- Activity Score: 227
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 24 Years Old
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
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warlock, hunter, titan, well-endowed and all around ass kicker, shit talker extraordinaire, no fucking profanity
blade dancer, voidwalker, sherpa, sunsinger, ps4, warlock
titan, hunter, pissed that i used so many underscores, wondering what it takes to get lakshmi-2 to talk dirty to me., warlock
50+ wrath of machine hm completions, 175+ kings fall hm clears, sherpa, parent of 2 teenagers. please pray for me, no profanity, 50+ crota end hm completions
pvp, pve, profanity ok
pvp, profanity ok, pve, ps4, microphone, d1vet
hunter, titan, ps4, warlock
weekly challenges, microphone required, sherpa, hunter, technology, xbox one
ps4, microphone, pvp
#pvp, #hunter, #college student, #profanity ok