Often online w/my son before 9pm pacific. After that it is just me. Have lvl 20 on all 3 characters. We are always up for Raids or Strikes -- just ask if you see us online.
- Activity Score: 164
- No Show Rate: 0%
- 40 Years Old
- Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
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finally pvp 1k/d, twitch.tv habitual watcher, parent, profanity ok, sherpa, raider
hunter 34, warlock 34, gjallarhorn, pvp, pve, titan 33
ps4, raider, hunter, microphone, parent, recovering game-leaver
titan, ps4, hunter, raids, strikes, mic
i play way too much destiny, ps4, profanity ok
ps4, ps5, descendant, mmxx, cursebreaker, valor in darkness
raider, profanity ok, team player, fun, good attitude, parent
ps4, defender, titan
relic runner, hunter, microphone, titan, warlock