Destiny addict, parent, and team player. Decent weapons and skill level. I like to have fun above all else, and don't take things too seriously :-)
  • Activity Score: 609
  • No Show Rate: 0%
  • Male
  • Arizona
  • Usually plays Weekday Mornings and Weekends UTC
  • Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
  • Profanity OK
  • Xbox Profile Xbox Live Profile

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friendly, veteran, parent, level 5 sherpa

Doc Josey Wales

hunter, chill, parent

el rolio

pve, parent, titan, hunter, defender, sherpa

profanity ok, pve, pvp


pve, xbox 360, parent, xbox one, sherpa

weekly, still a raid noob, nf


xbox one, microphone, warlock, hunter, titan

series x, mostly pvp, usually play 9-11pm pacific

titan, warlock, hunter, microphone, sherpa