Unstoppable DUChemist, The Herald of Fate (Awoken Female Hunter)
Invisible DUChemist, The Swarm Culler (Human Male Titan)
Adjudicator DUChemist, The Untouchable (Human Female Warlock)
Sherpa, Raid runner, PoE, Crucible, I steal my teammates kills when they don't shoot fast enough, rezzing @whygavs18, finally got the Gjally then it got nerfed, way better with my Hunter than I should be
- Activity Score: 629
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 35 Years Old
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
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pc, warlock, pve, microphone, xbox one, titan
parent, pve, casual, xbox, profanity ok
titan, nightfall, microphone, raider, hunter, sherpa
parent (3), pvp, pve
pvp, sherpa, pve, profanity ok, shenaniganer
titan (34), hunter (34), warlock (34), 9pm - 1am est, parent (2)
pve, pvp, casual, warlock
microphone, xbox one, titan, warlock, weekly challenges
grimoire whore, warlock, raider, pvp