I share an account with a 15 year-old son, so you might see him around. I'm usually the hunter and he's often the titan.
- Activity Score: 192
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 45 Years Old
- Central Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours:
- Profanity OK
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raid, ballerhorn, non afking bruh, malice
oldest living destiny player, hunter, titan, xbox one
master builder, hunter, weekly challenges, pve, sherpa
super raider, thousand nades a night, drinkin ok, texan !, call me uncle fed, yee haw
xbox one, weekly challenges, microphone, hunter, warlock
scrublock, titan masterclass, swordbearer, sherpa, titan, xbox one
account shared with teenage son. we split up responsibility with him mainly pvp and me, pve.
profanity ok, parent, xbox one, raid rookie