Hunter/Warlock/Titan. Nightfall, Raids, and some pvp
- Activity Score: 217
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 31 Years Old
- Pacific Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
- Profanity OK
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titan, hunter, warlock, profanity ok, parent, bubble bro
profanity preferred, pacific time zone, warlock, gardening, traveling
beer drinker
sporadic playing times, raider, xbox one
pve, parent, profanity ok
titan master race, space magic, weekly challenges, raider
pve, parent, raider, sherpa
pve, chill, parent, casual raider
microphone, xbox one
profanity recommended, sarcasm expected, oops