- Activity Score: 123
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekday Mornings and Weekends UTC
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finally pvp 1k/d, twitch.tv habitual watcher, parent, profanity ok, sherpa, raider
pvp, hunter, ps4, raid, profanity ok, casual
touch of malice, black spindle, chill, parent, pve, titan
pvp, pve, profanity ok, parent, collector
sherpa, completely inappropriate prison talk, non politically correct, i will make you cringe with my words. profanity is a must!, destiny 1 pro (old psn:tical57)
mic, ps4
need game time, profanity ok, some pvp. raids. have mic.
pve, pvp, chat
microphone, raid vet, the truth will set you free, a sense of humor, no profanity