- Activity Score: 833
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 38 Years Old
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekdays Latenight and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 1-10
- Profanity OK
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equally inept in all subclasses, titan, hunter, warlock, parent, profanity encouraged, hilarity required
comeback player, pvp, pve, sherpa, profanity ok, not so serious
destiny veteran, shhhh, parent
sherpa, hunter, warlock, titan, trial, pvp
destiny, bmore shits jizm, pick my nose at redlights, ravens suck, kcco, steelers
pve, profanity ok, up for past raids and pve, hardcore player, sherpa
warlock, hunter, titan, well-endowed and all around ass kicker, shit talker extraordinaire, no fucking profanity
hunter, titan, ps4
tom, sunsinger, voidwalker, warlock, pve, pvp