Usually laid back and patient. Don't mind helping people willing to learn and listen
- Activity Score: 163
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Male 29 Years Old
- Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- Usually plays Weekday Mornings and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours:
- Profanity OK
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parent, xbox ambassador
parent, profanity ok, raid rookie, xbone
mic, raids, good whisky, parent
sherpa, nightfalls, defender, raider, bladedancer, hunter,, weekly challenges, titan, sporadic playing times
randal the vandal, xbox one, parent, xbone, sherpa, microphone
warlock, hunter, titan
father, expert noob, warlock, hunter, titan
who wrote this stupid tag?, my hunter has joined the time to raid, bla bla bla bla........ :-), have a mic
pve, pvp, sherpa