- Activity Score: 454
- No Show Rate: 0%
- Arizona
- Usually plays Weekday Afternoons and Weekends UTC
- Avg. Weekly Hours: 10+
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crota's end hm sword bear, vog dude, kingsfall hm relic runner, all classes 315+
warlock, hunter, titan, well-endowed and all around ass kicker, shit talker extraordinaire, no fucking profanity
parent, weekly challenges, pve, ps4, pvp
pvp, parent, profanity ok
pvp, pve, student
hunter, relic runner if all else fails, parent, titan, warlock, canadian
titan, ps4, hunter, raids, strikes, mic
titan, ps4, hunter, warlock, microphone
pvp, pve, sherpa
brand holder, sherpa, relic runner, pve, hunter, warlock