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Titania and Endo are on consoles! Ask any questions you like below
Mag Prime, Boar Prime, and Dakra Prime have been Vaulted! If you had any keys before the update, they'll become relics meaning you can get another few chances at them!
Nekros Prime, Tigris Prime, and Galatine Prime have arrived and are dropping in place of Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, and Scindo Prime! Don't worry about missing your last chance because you still have one! If you have relics or know anyone who does (chat it up!) you may still have a few more shots at those last few parts to complete your collection! Relics that have the newly vaulted Primes (just like Mag Prime, Dakra Prime, and Boar Prime) are simply no longer dropping; existing relics with those loot tables are still fair game so share, trade or better yet make some games!
Are you a high flying assassin in the Conclave or a sports buff down for a Lunaro match? Either way you should go ahead and make a match today!

Promotion Playlist ・9/6 - 9/13

Weekly Reset Info ・9/6 - 9/13
Reddit Weekly Reset Thread

Cereberus Vae III
Epic, Void Burn, Berserker, Brawker, Airborne

Challenge of Elders
Overmind Minotaur/Sylok, the Defiled/ Noru'usk, Servant of Oryx
Exposure, Specialist, Super Kill Bonus
Dead Shot, Boxer, Shock Trooper

Court of Oryx Tier 3 Boss
Thalnok, Fanatic of Crota

Weekly Heroic Strikes Playlist
Solar Burn, Chaff, Catapult

Weekly Crucible Playlists
Inferno 6v6 & Freelance 3v3

Daily Reset Info ・9/6
Reddit Daily Reset Thread

Heroic Mission
Shrine of Oryx

Crucible Playlist

Other Useful Links & Channels
Skill Up's Reviews & DPS Stats Analysis for The Division, Overwatch, & Destiny
Brozime's Reviews and Analysis for Warframe
Lifeof Rio's Extreme Endgame Warframe Channel
Destiny Status
Destiny Tracker
Destiny Calcified Fragments

When making a game and reserving spots, please name the people that will be coming along in the description so that they don't sign up for the same games. (You reserve them a spot but they sign up anyway so now they are holding 2 spots blocking someone else from joining). Also, try to keep reserves down to 4, where guardians should consider starting a new group (especially as the appointed time approaches).
**All guidelines are to ensure we let as many members as possible be involved in games.**

Looking for anyone willing to make a script to get game information up on our page to share with the group. Information upkeep takes time and without more leaders to share the burden with all you got is me so please excuse late info

Upcoming Games

No upcoming games currently.

Most Active Members


no mic but with experience, fishing for raids, enjoy pves and raids

pve, parent, profanity ok


ps4, profanity ok, pve, pvp


raids, serious casual, beta player, profanity ok, parent, challenges

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This group is currently looking for a new moderator.

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Games Played