Feel free to post a job, mission, raid or anything you want help completing, and post it for whatever time you wish... games need not follow the specified times that you see stated above.. If you post it, they will come.... :) Have fun!
A few tips for posting..
- If you give a day or two notice on your game post, it will give more folks time to see it and join up.
- There is a checkbox on the Create Game screen labeled "Group Only". If you check that, then the game will show up only for our Gunslingers group. If that box is left unchecked, then the game will be public. Most folks on the 100.io are good folks, so try public games if you are having trouble filling a game from only group members.
- While most of the games posted on here are for Destiny 2 (since Destiny was originally the only game the100 supported), you can post a match for just about any game. More notice might be required for non-Destiny games, to give people time to see it.
Upcoming Games
This group has chosen to make all games private.
Most Active Members
pve, parent, profanity ok, pvp
pve, pvp, profanity ok
pve, pvp if my arm is twisted, raid! raid! raid!
parent, pve, pvp
pve, pvp, parent, profanity ok
competitive, xbox one, pvp, hunter, pve, parents
Group Platforms
Games Played
Group Chat
This group has chosen to make all chat private.