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Bad Rattle is an adult clan (21+) focused on endgame content. All platforms and time zones are welcome; however, our peak hours are 4pm to 2am CST. If there is a challenge, we will get it done. During Season of the Splicer, we completed the Fatebreaker title and Flawless Vault of Glass, and we helped our community get hundreds of Timelost weapons.

We are a hybrid of a single smaller clan with a larger Discord Community. Unlike the massive Clans, we aren't interested in having multiple sub-clans. Some of us came from those huge clans. You can feel lost in a sea of people, and forming ongoing fireteam synergy is difficult. Small clans can run into issues with not having enough online to do anything.

Stay in your clan. Be a lone wolf. Or apply to join us. Regardless of what you are after, our Discord is a great place to be if raiding and Endgame are your goals.

Bad Rattle hosts 20+ scheduled events each week, and non-clan members can join most raids. Want do knock out all of the raid Triumphs and Challenges? Want to triple tap Atheon, Riven, and Taniks for shots at the Exotics? Want to collect all Timelost weapons from Master VoG? We do all that and more. We only ask for a good attitude and a willingness to learn. We can teach the rest, as long as you show up. Join us for the journey.

We cleared Master Vault of Glass in week 3 of this season, and almost all scheduled raids have triumphs and challenges attached on rotation so members can complete each raid seal and get the accompanying titles and shaders. We are also prepping multiple Day One raid teams.

We have dozens who have gone Flawless in Trials this season, and loads more who love Iron Banner, Survival for Glory, and all other forms of PVP. We even have members who were dedicated enough to complete an entire Vault of Glass and Last Wish with a fireteam of only 3.

We play hard, but we also keep things chill. Take 2 parts Rambo, mix with 1 part Bill and Ted, add some aliens, and shake vigorously.

We are a very social clan. During peak hours, groups are always forming in Discord, and it is not unusual for people to just hang out in channels to talk. We grow to know each other by voice, and we try to help out everyone who continues to show up as much as we can. Being active in Discord voice chat is helpful.

Bad Rattle is accepting applications from active 1345+ raiders who want to complete the triumphs and challenges for all current raids, including all Master VoG challenges, and Day One raiding. While our clan expects active weekly participation in raids and GMs, our Discord is open to more casual players as well.

After you join Discord, please read #server-info and react in #roles. Until you do this, most Discord channels are hidden. If you have any questions, please reach out to Skooma#0132 in Discord.



profanity ok, hunter, pc, warlock, microphone, raider

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Most Active Members

Basically NaCl


pve, pvp, profanity ok


profanity & drinking ok, chill, raid, pvp, pve, pc


casual, play 20+ hours a week, pc, profanity ok, pvp, pve


profanity ok, parent, pvp, pve, pc


pc, ps4

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profanity ok, hunter, pc, warlock, microphone, raider

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